User Behavior

Things That Change In Engagement During Quarantine

Informality Rules–expectations have lowered for polish and people are currently used to the no-makeup zoom meetings. Pulling together an audience for a quick mind-sharing discussion on a relevant topic is easier because people are available and need less preparation.

Deep content has reached it’s time to shine. People are hungry for content in all parts of their lives and are more willing to spend time going through a long-form article that is compelling. 800 word posts are fine, but there has never been a better time to get your 8.000 word piece out there and promote it.

Interconnection is a thing. Interlinking has always been valuable as a way to rank higher and to re-surface older content, but now it has a better chance to match visitor behavior as well. People are looking at one article then going to the next and then the next. Make sure your internal links are highlighted with good anchor text to raise the visitor’s interest.

Assign some homework. People need to do something and if you can give a volunteer a manageable task they are very likely to jump in. Just make sure the instructions are clear, the barriers to entry are low, and the scope of the task is clear from the beginning.
Stay Connected. People want to feel connected to others more than ever. If someone visits your site, participates in a seminar, signs up for a newsletter, volunteers for anything, follow up! Make sure you use their name, if possible, and invite them to the next thing.

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